Our CEO, Peter Evans, recently glanced into his crystal ball to predict what the physical security industry can expect in 2022 – and beyond. His insights were featured in a number of publications, including Campus Safety Magazine, Security Magazine and VMBlog. Here, we’ll recap what he discussed.
Fan Misbehavior Will Escalate
We’ve seen the headlines of fans misbehaving at professional sports games and entertainment events, and that’s not expected to change. As COVID-19 continues to come in waves, people will still be experiencing, and rallying against, social unrest and discord. It’s something that sports teams and venues will have to think about during large events, to keep everyone safe. This is also true with schools – mask mandates, shutdowns and an increase of violent threats in districts across the country are making students and staff feel uneasy. Schools (as well as venues) will start taking a preemptive approach to security by implementing next-generation technology.
Walk-Through Metal Detectors Will be Retired
Additionally, we’re all familiar with walk-through metal detectors at airports, stadium entrances, federal buildings and more. It’s long time for these ancient pieces of equipment to be retired. After all, they weren’t built for the kind of technology that people carry and wear nowadays. They’re bulky, slow and just don’t do a good job of detecting weapons. Next-generation screening technology will be installed across locations, where people don’t have to empty their pockets and bags, and can instead freely walk into buildings – without businesses having to give up their safety protocols. It’s time we stop detecting metal, and start detecting weapons.
Elevating the Fan Experience With Modern Technology
Lastly, businesses across industries will be looking at ways to optimize budgeting, especially within their security budget. To do so, they will be looking to implement modern threat detection technology, which can help organizations save costs in the long run. This more effective screening technology will optimize security staff to respond to and stop threats and weapons from impacting business. It will also elevate the fan experience by creating shorter security lines and removing the need for them to stop to be searched.
For the full articles and a complete list of Peter’s 2022 predictions, please visit the publications above. Is your organization looking to stay ahead of the curve and implement next-generation weapons screening technology? Contact us today to discuss your security requirements.